Sunday, September 21, 2008

Facebook group on Cree language

Herte's a cool idea I wish I had thought of first but super happy someone beat me to it: a Cree language group on Facebook entitled "Nêhiyawêwin (Cree) Word of the Day." (I still absolutely love Facebook even though some say it's had its day.)

This group is just one way people are trying to mobilize the web as a teaching/learning technology for indigenous language and I am all for it. For our languages to thrive, they must be in play wherever people do.




Blogger Alana said...

hey! you still starting a cree learning/sharing circle in winnipeg? i think i'm going to move there in may mostly to learn cree but also have some fam out there. i would move back to sask but been there done that kinda thing. anyhow if you do or have started a group, please hook me up with details! alana

Thu Dec 11, 11:25:00 AM MST  

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